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검은 나무여 Pitch-dark

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연출 장민승

음악 감독 정재일

안무 김정선

출연 최승윤

수어 번역 박현정

프로덕션 매니져 유주연


러닝 타임 25분

single channel 2K Digita Cine Package with surround sound


2014 에르메스 미술상_수상


Concept & Directed by Jang min-seung

music composed by Jung Jea Il

choreographed by Kim jung-sun

performing by seung yoon Choi

sign language translated by Park hyun-jung

production management by Yoo joo-yeon


running time 25mins

single channel 2K Digita Cine Package with surround sound


2014 Atelier Hérmes missulsang




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